ERSRI News Archive
January 16, 2019: Members of fifty municipal (MERS) pension plans will receive a cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in 2019.
January 11, 2019: ERSRI has begun mailing 1099-R forms to retirees, with all 1099s expected to be mailed by January 31st. Retirees should receive their 1099-R forms by mid-February, at the…
December 12, 2018: Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner today announced the Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island filed a motion with the court to lead a shareholder class…
October 17, 2018: Rhode Island Treasurer Seth Magaziner, along with Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs, Pennsylvania Treasurer Joe Torsella, and New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer,…
October 2018: The Fall 2018 issue of Compass is available to read online. Articles in this issue include:
September 27, 2018: Rhode Island will be voting against more compensation packages for corporate executives if the pay is not aligned with company performance, state treasurer Seth…
September 26, 2018: The State's investment strategy earned 0.96 percent during the month of August, outperforming its benchmark return of 0.88 percent and continuing to deliver strong…
September 21, 2018: Treasurer Magaziner today released an overview of the actions his office has taken this year to strengthen corporate accountability at hundreds of publicly traded…
August 29, 2018: The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has awarded Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island a "Certificate of Acievement for Excellence in Financial…