ERSRI News Archive

May 27, 2020: The Rhode Island pension system earned more than $450 million from investments in the month of April as the Back to Basics investment strategy continues to provide growth and…

May 21, 2020: The Rhode Island pension system outperformed the vast majority of its peers in the first quarter of 2020 according to new data released by Investment Metrics, formerly MSCI…

We are grateful to our members who remain on the front lines ensuring public safety and providing essential services, and to our dedicated educators who have overcome unprecedented obstacles to teach Rhode…

April 22, 2020: Thanks to the 700+ retirees and active employees who joined us for Treasurer Magaziner's virtual town hall meeting last night.

April 13, 2020: To those of you on the front lines ensuring public health and safety, to the educators who have implemented distance learning plans, and to the retirees keeping socially…

March 23, 2020: As Rhode Islanders continue to take measures to contain the spread of the Coronavirus disease COVID-19, the health and safety of you, our members, remains our top priority…

February 26, 2020: The Rhode Island pension fund earned $5.3 million from investments during the month of January, outperforming its investment benchmark for the month.

January 30, 2020: The Rhode Island pension fund returned 16.7% in 2019, earning $1.3 billion from investments, allowing it to end the year with an all-time high value of $8.78 billion. The…

January 13, 2020: Members of fifty-four municipal (MERS) pension plans will receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in 2020. All members of these 54 plans who retired before June 30,…